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Doctor Students

发布时间:2011-03-28 点击量:次

The courses of undergraduate :

  • Advanced Mathematics

  • Linear Algebra

  • Probability

  • Physics I

  • Physics II

  • physical experiment

  • Computer Concept

  • Foundations Of programming

  • Microcomputer Principle and System Design

  • Physical Education

  • Foundation of Circuit Analysis

  • Electronic Circuit Experiment

  • Signals and Systems

  • Circuit, Signal and System Experiment

  • Foundation of Analog Circuit

  • Digital Circuits and Logic Design

  • Discrete Mathematics

  • Data Structure and Algorithm

  • Metalworking Practice

  • Software Course Design

  • hardware Course Design

  • Computer Network

  • Principle of Operating System

  • Database principle

  • Compter Architecture

  • Software Engineering

  • Digital Image Processing

  • Fundamentals of Multimedia

  • Metalworking Practice

    The direction of graduate enrollment:

  • Computer Applications

  • Computer Architecture

  • Computer Software and Theory

  • Computer Education Technology

  • Computer Technology

    The direction of doctor enrollment:

  • Computer Applications

  • Computer Architecture

下一篇:Graduate Students