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    School of Cyber Engineering Organized a Series of Activities of the Third Undergraduate Education Teaching Festival

    Click:Time:December 14, 2020

    (Correspondent: An Ruifan) From October to November 2020, a series of activities of the third Undergraduate Education Teaching Festival was organized in School of Cyber Engineering smoothly. On the basis of the previous two teaching festivals, the School has summed up excellent work experience and innovated working methods. Taking this teaching festival as an opportunity, focusing on the reform and innovation of undergraduate education and teaching and aiming at the difficulties and key points of talent training in the new era, it invited experts and scholars inside and outside the School to participate in the discussion onteaching methods, teaching concepts, teaching models, teaching skills. For the teachers and students in the school, a series of activities for the teaching festival, covering all aspects, the whole process and all the teachers and students were launched. The executive dean Li Hui, secretary of the Party Committee Zhang Meiru, deputy dean of teaching Yang Chao, and front-line teachers participated in the activities in the teaching festival to discuss undergraduate teaching reform, improve the quality of undergraduate teaching, enhance the quality of talent training, and cultivate first-class network security personnel for the country.

    (I) Invited well-known experts outside the School: to give lectures on output-oriented teaching concepts and methods

    On the afternoon of October 20, Professor Zhang Chunyuan from the School of Computing, National University of Defense Technology, was invited to give an online lecture entitled "Output-oriented Course Construction". Starting from two questions of "How to Describe Output" and "Whether Output is Achieved", Professor Zhang Chunyuan introduced to teachers how to use behavioral verbs to describe the output of a teaching activity, how can the requirements of the output description be applied, how to evaluate the rationality of existing output description; as well as the types and methods of assessment to verify whether the output has been achieved, the course evaluation for 12 graduation requirements (decomposition of index points). At the same time, he stressed that in order to meet the needs of innovative talent training in the new era, it was necessary to carry out reform and innovation in teaching mode, teaching content, teaching method and evaluation method. During the one-and-a-half hour lecture, Professor Zhang and the participating teachers exchanged views on professional curriculum construction, graduation achievement analysis, continuous curriculum reform and other issues, bringing teachers new ideas on how to carry out curriculum reform and construction based on the OBE concept.

    Professor Zhang Chunyuan is Giving a Lecture on "How to Construct an Output-oriented Course" Online

    (II) Invited well-known alumni outside the School: to teach core courses for undergraduates and broaden their horizon

    On the afternoon of November 6, associate professor Zhang Fengrong of China University of Mining and Technology gave an excellent report entitled "Bent Function's Rothaus Structure and Its Generalized Form" to students of School of Cyber Engineering in the conference room on the first floor of the Administrative Annex Building of the new campus. From the basic concept of Boolean function to the concept of Bent function, and then to the "most generalized" indirect construction of Bent function -"Rothaus structure", associate professor Zhang led the students to learn Bent function step by step.

    Associate professor Zhang Fengrong was invited to give a lecture on "Bent Function's Rothaus Structure and Its Generalized Form"

    (III) Professional quality construction report: to build a first-class undergraduate major and improve the quality of personnel training

    The construction of first-class undergraduate major is the key to improve the quality of undergraduate teaching. In December 2019, the information security and network engineering major of the School was selected into the 2019 National First-class Undergraduate Major Construction Site List. Since the resumption of offline teaching this year, the School has taken the training of first-class talents, first-class undergraduate education, and first-class professional construction as its goals, and actively promoted the certification of engineering education for the majors of information security and network engineering.

    Relying on this teaching festival, Professor Yang Chao, the deputy dean of the School, conducted a systematic training for all teachers of the School on how to improve engineering education with the OBE concept on November 6; Deputy dean Yang Chao emphasized that as a national first-class cyber security construction demonstration unit and a national-level first-class undergraduate major construction unit, all teachers in the School should take professional certification as the starting point to build the OBE teaching concept of "students as the priority, result orientation, and continuous improvement as the guarantee", which shall be implemented in all aspects such as setting training goals, meeting graduation requirements, and making classroom teaching programs, so as to improve the professional construction level and educational effectiveness.

    Professor Yang Chao reported on the professional quality construction of the teaching work for the School

    Professor Lyu Xixiang, dean of the Department of Information Security, gave a systematic training to all teachers of the School on November 8 with the theme of "the initial establishment of an output-oriented internal evaluation and continuous improvement mechanism in School of Cyber Engineering"; Professor Lyu Xixiang mainly introduced the four closed-loop output-oriented internal evaluation and continuous improvement mechanisms that School of Cyber Engineering has initially established from the four levels, i.e. training objectives, graduation requirements, curriculum system, and curriculum, as well as the connotation of output-oriented reverse design.

    Professor Lyu Xixiang reported on the professional quality construction of the teaching work for the School

    Professor Zhang Junwei, the dean of the Department of Network Engineering, gave a systematic training to all teachers on the theme of "OBE-based course teaching foundation and goal achievement evaluation method" on November 8; Professor Zhang Junwei explained the calculation steps and methods of the course achievement degree based on the OBE-based course teaching, elaborated the decomposition of graduation requirement index points, supported the course and weight coefficient determination process, and clarified the relationship between the course achievement degree evaluation and the graduation requirement achievement degree.

    Professor Zhang Junwei reported on the professional quality construction of the teaching work for the School

    (IV) Undergraduate teaching skills training: to improve the quality of teaching and enhance the effect of practical education

    In order to continuously improve the teaching ability of young teachers in the School and carry forward the work of "passing on experience", on the afternoon of November 3, the School invited associate Professor Zhang Ning, the key teaching staff, to carry out undergraduate classroom teaching skills training for young teachers and newly recruited teachers. Ms. Zhang shared her teaching experience on the five aspects of the educational informatization of the School's software and hardware resources, the practice and effectiveness of classroom teaching innovation in cyberspace security, how to tell good stories in class, how to prepare blackboard-writing and PPT, and how to improve the curriculum preparation files through the integration and promotion of curriculum resources.

    On the afternoon of November 10, the School invited Ms. Zhang Ning, director of the competition base, to give a competition education practice report on promoting learning with competition, practicing with competition". From the explanation of the School's competition system and competition documents, the brief introduction to the network space security competitions over the years, to how to lead students to play competitions, run competitions, have intensive training and many other aspects, she elaborated on the School's various measures of the competition education and the excellent results achieved so far.

    Associate professor Zhang Ning carries out undergraduate teaching skills training and competition practice training for young teachers

    (V) Characteristic forums of the School: all staff participation, drawing on the wisdom of the masses and pooling the efforts of everyone

    During the Teaching Festival, the School organized three sessions of training and teaching quality improvement forum for all teachers in the School. Taking the OBE engineering education concept as the starting point and students as the education center and focusing on the requirements of national first-class major construction, in-depth discussions on the undergraduate teaching framework system, training scheme, OBE oriented curriculum system and other aspects of the school were conducted. After the conclusion of the forum, the participating teachers submitted their personal undergraduate teaching experience and suggestions, and the professional core course teachers submitted their teaching ideas of core courses based on the OBE concept.

    Through the combination of online and offline methods, the sub-forum activities of the teaching festival of School of Cyber Engineering have attracted teachers from the School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, the School of Economics and Management, the School of Sports and other schools of the University to listen to lectures, and set up a platform to display advanced teaching concepts and methods, excellent teaching achievements, and promote the sharing and exchange of teaching achievements. Moreover, they triggered a great discussion about teaching skills and teaching quality among new teachers and experienced teachers, teachers in and outside the School, and also composed a new chapter of the full cooperation of all teachers, full participation in the whole process, all-around education for all students, brainstorming, and exploration of talent training models.

