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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out without cyber security, there would be no national security, and without informatization, there would be no modernization. This is a high degree of condensing of the great significance of the national cyber development strategy. Today, when we are fully implementing the national cyber development strategy and when the country and the people have put forward higher requirements and greater expectations for cyber security and informatization, the School of Cyber Engineering of Xidian University has become a "valiant general" in the field of cyber security personnel training that dares to venture and fight and whose good operation results in good results.

Since the University took the lead in establishing the "School of Cyber Engineering" at the end of 2014, it has actively promoted the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents, the cohesion of high-level talents, the research and development of core and key technologies, and the construction of high-level disciplines, focusing on building a first-class school of cyber engineering. The University has successively become one of the first 2 pilot bases for the training of cyber security talents in the country, and one of the first degree-awarding units in China to establish the doctoral program of this new first-level discipline. It was approved to establish an innovation and talent introduction base for mobile Internet security disciplines, became the only university member of the Cyber Security Innovation Center of the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, and was selected into the National First-class Cyber Security School Construction Demonstration Project by ranking first in September 2017. The School is working hard to explore and build a path and model of cyber security industry, study, research, and application ecosphere that is in line with China's reality, and aims to provide reproducible and propagable experience for the training of national cyber security talents.

Under the guidance of "three returns" established by the University of returning to the essence of education, to the essence of school running and to the essence of scientific research, from the top-level design to the specific links of talent training, the School strives to promote the combination of "training talents and serving national needs", the combination of "independence and openness, and masses and the elites", and the combination of "teaching and research, teaching and industry, teaching and politics", and the close integration of ten aspects in four levels of "teaching and learning, learning and training, training and contesting, contesting and practicing", and it follows no set form to constantly select, attract, discover, cultivate and produce talents through innovating mechanisms, reforming the evaluation system, strengthening practical training, etc. For cyber security personnel training, the School must have a more open consciousness and innovative spirit, the courage to break the old conventions of personnel training, build a powerful actual combat environment platform, and truly promote and implement in-depth and comprehensive collaborative education.

At the same time, the School strives to create a highland of cyber security talents with the broad-mindedness of climbing high and gazing far, the tenacity of climbing perilous peaks, and the exploring spirit of finding a new path. It may be called that no matter how high the mountain is, as long as a man climbs it, he can also become its peak, and that no matter how vast the sea is, it is not as boundless as one's heart. Through the implementation of the "Huashan Scholar" program, we are eager to see the emergence of a magnificent scene of "high mountains struggling upward against their lofty heights, with each one competing with the other for height and distance; and mountains competing for height, rising straight up to form countless peaks" in talent construction. The School has always been working hard to form a system and mechanism that intelligently recognizes talents, sincerely loves talents, boldly uses talents, graciously accommodates talents and effectively gathers talents. It has made great efforts and invested a lot of money to select talents without sticking to one pattern, gather talents from all over the world and use them. Less than three years after its establishment, the School has directly introduced from overseas many academicians of the Yangtze River Scholar and Hundred Talents Program into the Academician Workstation, and has won the "Cyber Security Excellent Talent Award", and the "Cyber Security Excellent Teacher Award". All of these are due to the School's desire for and attention to talents, and they also highlight the practical actions of the School to respect talents, create a relaxing environment, provide a broad platform, and create good conditions for talents to give play to their wisdom.

Guided by major national needs and national defense construction needs, the School has set the goal of "large projects, large platforms, and large applications". It strengthens the research of forward-looking issues in the field of cyberspace security, gathers strength, condenses directions, faces major national security needs, breaks through subversive and irreplaceable key "trump card" technologies, and realizes the independent and controllable security protection of major national infrastructures, providing solid support and strong competitiveness for national security; and it forms innovative basic research results with irreplaceability and international influence in wireless network security, data security and privacy protection, cryptographic theory and technology and other fields, and strives to lead the development of emerging international technologies in key areas of cyberspace security, making this discipline a research base with important international influence.

It establishes a number of cyber security research, teaching, and innovation platforms with distinctive characteristics, top strength and significant effects, and builds an integrated information cyber security experiment platform with advanced international level and complete coverage. The School is organically connected with the Military and Civilian Integration Innovation Valley in Western China to form a self-growing and virtuous-cycle ecological chain of cyber security, and realize the strategic goals of national strategic responsibility, global cyber security highland, national engine service, innovation-driven platform and industrial transformation demonstration.

The School has made some achievements in less than three years since its establishment. On the one hand, this stems from the long history and outstanding contributions of Information Security Discipline of Xidian University. On the other hand, the development of the School is inseparable from the strong support of the state, the province, the city and the University. In April 2016, Academician Zheng Xiaojing was invited as the only university president to participate in the National Symposium on Cybersecurity and IT Application (on April 19) hosted by General Secretary Xi Jinping; moreover, the University has integrated and invested a large amount of resources to support the development of the School, all of which encourages and ensures that the School of Cyber Engineering upholds the goal of building a first-class college, goes forward courageously, forges ahead, and takes the lead among the forefront of world first-class disciplines.

Reports of the 19thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China point out that the socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era and is closer than any other period in history to realizing the grand goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The School of Cyber Engineering will always stay true to its original aspiration and keep its mission in mind; and will thrive in spring breeze, embrace the Yellow River and keep the world in mind; and will spread the wings of silver swallow and soar high, overlook the Yangtze River, and open eyes to the whole world.

